Online small business marketing strategies

10 Online Small Business Marketing Strategies That Work


Are you a small business owner? Are you struggling to get noticed online? The internet is a big place. But if you don’t apply the right online small business marketing strategies, your small business may never reach the top.


Business has principles and strategies. We have cracked the code for you. Over the years we have studied what’s working and not. So, the online small business marketing strategies discussed in this article are culled from our wealth of experience. They are practical tips you can use to scale your small business today.


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Online Small Business Marketing Strategies That Work


1. Social Media Marketing: Be Where Your Customers Are


Social media is huge. It’s where people hang out online, and your business needs to be there, too. But don’t try to be everywhere at once. Pick the platforms your customers use most.


Facebook is great for most businesses. It has a wide reach. You can post updates, photos, and videos. Use it to share behind-the-scenes content. Show off your products. Engage with customers through comments and messages.


Instagram is perfect if your business is visual. Are you a bakery? Post mouth-watering photos of your cakes. A landscaper? Share before-and-after pics of your projects. Use hashtags to reach new people.


LinkedIn works well for B2B companies. Share industry insights. Connect with other professionals. It’s great for networking and building credibility.


Twitter is fast-paced, which is good for customer service. You can quickly respond to questions or concerns, share brief updates, and discuss industry news.


TikTok is booming. It’s great for reaching younger audiences. Create fun, short videos about your products or services. Show your brand’s personality.


Real-life solution: Start with one platform. Master it before moving to another. Post consistently. Interact with your followers. Respond to comments and messages promptly. Use a social media scheduling tool to save time.


2. Content Marketing: Become a Valuable Resource


Content marketing is about creating useful stuff. Blog posts, videos, podcasts – anything that helps your customers. It’s not about selling. It’s about being helpful.


Think about your customers’ problems. What questions do they have? Create content that answers these questions. This builds trust. It positions you as an expert.


For instance, let’s say you run a pet store. You could write blog posts about pet care tips. Make videos showing how to train a dog. Create an infographic about choosing the right pet food.


Pro tip: Start a blog on your website. Write one post a week. Keep it simple and helpful. Use keywords your customers might search for. Share your posts on social media. Encourage your customers to subscribe for updates.


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3. Email Marketing: Stay in Touch with Your Customers


Email is still a powerful online small business marketing startegy. It’s a direct line to your customers. Use it wisely. Don’t spam people. Provide value in every email.


Start by building an email list. Offer something free in exchange for email addresses. Maybe a discount code or a useful guide. Then, send regular newsletters. Mix promotional content with helpful information.


A fitness studio could send workout tips along with class schedules. A bookstore could share book reviews and upcoming author events.


Pro tip: Use an email marketing tool like Mailchimp or Constant Contact. They’re user-friendly and affordable. Start with a monthly newsletter. Track your open rates and click-through rates. Experiment with subject lines to see what works best.


4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Help Customers Find You


SEO helps your website show up in search results. It’s about making your site friendly for search engines and users. Good SEO brings free, targeted traffic to your site.


Start with keyword research. Find out what terms your customers are searching for. Use these keywords naturally in your website content. Focus on local SEO if you have a physical store.


Optimize your website structure. Make sure it loads fast. Create descriptive page titles and meta descriptions. Use header tags (H1, H2, etc.) to structure your content.


Pro tip: Install the Rank Math SEO plugin if you use WordPress. It guides you through optimizing your pages. Create a Google My Business listing for local SEO. Ask happy customers to leave Google reviews.


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5. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC): Quick Results When You Need Them


PPC ads can bring quick traffic to your site. You only pay when someone clicks your ad. It’s great for targeting specific keywords or audiences.


Google Ads is the most popular PPC platform. You can show ads in search results or on other websites. Facebook Ads is another good option. It lets you target users based on interests and behaviors.


Start with a small budget. Test different ad copy and images. See what works best. Then scale up your successful campaigns.


Pro tip: Set up a Google Ads account. Start with a search campaign targeting local keywords. Set a daily budget you’re comfortable with. Monitor your results closely. Adjust your bids and ad copy based on performance.


6. Influencer Marketing: Leverage Others’ Audiences


Influencer marketing is a powerful online small business marketing startegy. It’s like word-of-mouth on steroids. Find influencers your customers trust. Partner with them to promote your products.


You don’t need big celebrities. Micro-influencers (1,000 to 100,000 followers) often have more engaged audiences. They’re also more affordable for small businesses.


Look for influencers in your niche. Make sure their audience matches your target customers. Offer them free products or a commission on sales.


Pro tip: Use a tool like BuzzSumo to find influencers in your niche. Reach out with a personalized message. Propose a collaboration that benefits both parties. Start small and track your results.


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7. Video Marketing: Show, Don’t Just Tell


People love watching videos online. They’re engaging and easy to consume. Use video to showcase your products or services.


You don’t need fancy equipment. A smartphone can shoot great video these days. Focus on content that’s helpful or entertaining. Product demos, how-to guides, behind-the-scenes looks – these all work well.


YouTube is the obvious platform for video. But don’t forget about Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. They all support video content.


Pro tip: Start with short, simple videos. Use your phone to record a product demo or a quick tip related to your business. Post it on your social media channels. Ask your followers what kind of videos they’d like to see.


8. Local SEO: Dominate Your Local Market


Local SEO is crucial if you have a physical store. It helps you show up in local search results. Think “pizza near me” or “plumber in [city name]”.


Start by claiming your Google My Business listing. Fill it out completely. Add photos, your business hours, and a description. Encourage customers to leave reviews.


Make sure your name, address, and phone number are consistent across the web. Add your city and state to your website’s title tags and meta descriptions.


Pro tip: Set up a Google My Business account. Optimize your listing with photos and all relevant information. Create a few local-focused blog posts on your website. For example, “Best Pizza Spots in [Your City]” if you run a pizzeria.


9. Referral Marketing: Turn Customers into Advocates


Happy customers are your best marketers. Set up a referral program to encourage them to spread the word. Offer incentives for both the referrer and the new customer.


Keep it simple. A discount code or free product works well. Make it easy for customers to share. Provide them with a unique link or code to track referrals.


A software company could offer a free month for every new customer referred. A clothing store could give a $20 discount to both the referrer and the new customer.


Pro tip: Use a referral marketing tool like ReferralCandy or Friendbuy. They integrate with most e-commerce platforms. Start with a simple offer. Promote it to your existing customers through email and social media.


10. Chatbots: Provide 24/7 Customer Service


Chatbots can handle simple customer queries around the clock. They free up your time for more complex tasks. Plus, many customers prefer chatting to calling.


You can set up chatbots on your website and Facebook page. They can answer FAQs, take orders, or schedule appointments. More advanced bots can even personalize recommendations.


Don’t try to hide that it’s a bot. Be upfront. Make it easy for customers to reach a human if needed.


Pro tip: Start with a simple chatbot using a tool like MobileMonkey or ManyChat. Set it up to answer your most common customer questions. Add a clear option for customers to contact you directly if the bot can’t help.


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Online marketing can seem difficult for small businesses. But it’s also full of opportunities. With these strategies, you can reach new customers and grow your business. You don’t need a big budget or a marketing team. Just start small, be consistent, and focus on providing value to your customers.


Every big business started small. With the right online marketing strategies, your small business can make a big impact.

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