How to handle difficult customers on the phone

How to Handle Difficult Customers on the Phone

Handling difficult customers on the phone can be a daunting task, requiring a delicate balance of empathy, patience, and effective communication. But it’s an important part of providing great customer service.


Providing exceptional service is crucial, even in the face of challenging situations. When handled poorly, difficult phone calls can lead to lost business, negative reviews, and damage to your brand’s reputation.


This blog post will give you tips on how to handle difficult customers on the phone. We’ll explore the essential strategies and techniques for handling difficult customers on the phone, empowering you to turn tense conversations into wins.

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How to handle difficult customers on the phone

  1. Stay Calm
  2. Listen Carefully
  3. Empathize
  4. Offer Solutions
  5. Follow Up
  6. Stay Positive
  7. Be Patient
  8. Stay Confident
  9. Set Boundaries
  10. Document the Interaction


1. Stay Calm

The first step is to stay calm. It can be easy to get frustrated when a customer is being difficult. But staying calm is important. It will help you think clearly and respond professionally.


Take a deep breath before answering the phone. Speak slowly and clearly. Use a pleasant tone of voice. This will help set the tone for the conversation.

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2. Listen Carefully

Next, listen carefully to the customer. Let them vent if they need to. Don’t interrupt them. Try to understand their concerns. Listening carefully can help you to handle all kinds of difficult customers.


Ask questions to get more information. Repeat back what you’ve heard to make sure you understand. This will show the customer that you’re listening and care about their issue.


3. Empathize

Once you understand the customer’s concerns, show empathy. Let them know that you understand how they feel. Say things like “I can see why you’re frustrated” or “That must be very frustrating for you.”


Empathy goes a long way in defusing a difficult situation. It shows the customer that you care and are on their side.


4. Offer Solutions

After you’ve listened and shown empathy, it’s time to offer solutions. Think about what you can do to resolve the customer’s issue. Suggest options and let the customer choose the best one.


Be sure to explain the steps you’ll take to resolve the issue. This will show the customer that you’re taking their concern seriously. If you can offer solutions then you can handle difficult customers.

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5. Follow Up

Finally, follow up with the customer. After you’ve taken steps to resolve the issue, check in with the customer to make sure they’re satisfied.


Offer to do anything else to help. Thank the customer for their patience and for allowing you to assist them.


Following up shows the customer that you care about their experience and want to make sure they’re happy.



6. Stay Positive

Even when a customer is being difficult, try to stay positive. Avoid getting defensive or argumentative. Instead, approach the conversation with a helpful and friendly attitude. If you’re aspiring to close sales strategize on how to handle difficult customers in sales.


Use positive language like “I’d be happy to help you with that” or “Let’s see what we can do to resolve this.” This will help diffuse the situation and make the customer feel heard and cared for.


7. Be Patient

Dealing with difficult customers can be draining. But it’s important to be patient. Don’t rush the conversation or try to end it quickly.


Take the time to fully understand the customer’s concerns and work through a solution. Rushing the process can make the customer feel like you don’t care or that you’re not taking their issue seriously.

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8. Stay Confident

Even when a customer is being unreasonable, it’s important to stay confident in your ability to help. Avoid apologizing excessively or seeming unsure of yourself.


Speak with a tone of authority and let the customer know that you’re there to help. This will help build trust and make the customer feel like they’re in good hands.


9. Set Boundaries

While it’s important to be patient and understanding, you also need to set boundaries. Don’t let the customer bully you or take advantage of your kindness.


If the customer becomes abusive or refuses to cooperate, politely let them know that you’re happy to continue the conversation, but not if they’re going to yell or be disrespectful. You can also offer to transfer them to a supervisor if needed. In trying to handle difficult customers, you must set proper boundaries else you will be trampled on.


Maintaining boundaries shows the customer that you’re in control of the situation and that you won’t tolerate unacceptable behavior.


10. Document the Interaction

Finally, be sure to document the interaction. Take notes on the customer’s concerns, the steps you took to resolve the issue, and the outcome.


This information can be helpful if the customer contacts you again or if you need to escalate the issue to a supervisor. It also creates a paper trail in case you need to refer back to the conversation later.


Documenting the interaction shows the customer that you’re taking their issue seriously and that you’re committed to resolving it.



In conclusion, handling difficult customers on the phone requires a unique blend of skills, patience, and empathy.


By remaining calm, actively listening, and empathizing with the customer’s concerns, you can de-escalate tensions and resolve issues efficiently. Remember, every challenging call is an opportunity to showcase your professionalism, build trust, and foster long-term relationships.


With practice and persistence, you’ll become a master of phone etiquette, turning even the most trying interactions into chances for growth, loyalty, and customer satisfaction. So, the next time a difficult call comes in, embrace the challenge and turn it into a win for your business.


2 thoughts on “How to Handle Difficult Customers on the Phone”

  1. A must-read for anyone who interacts with customers via phone calls. This article will help you develop the skills and confidence to handle even the most difficult customer conversations with ease.

  2. Olajide Oluwaseun Augustine

    This article is a very useful one for those who are into online customer services,it encompasses the rudiments needed for efficient and stress free customer interaction

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